Learn How to play Poker Texas Hold em

This is a handy guide for learning the ropes of Texas holdem poker, probably the most widely popular form of poker around.  If you’re looking to play Texas hold em for the first time with friends or you are looking for a guide to get you stated in the world of online poker websites then look no further.

The winner of Texas hold em poker is the player at the end of the round that has the highest ranking hand or the last player that is left in that round.  These outcomes are determined through the round of betting and are dependent on which players decide to play on into the hand based on the strength of their hand.

At the start of each round one player is designated as the dealer, either they are the dealer, or particularly if you are playing online poker a dealer chip is passed clockwise around the table.  To begin betting the player to the left of dealer puts a small blind down (a blind is a bid that is made blind before any cards are uncovered), the player to the left of the small blind then lays down a big blind. Two cards are then dealt to each player and the real betting begins.  Based on the strength of your hand you can choose to match the big blind to continue on into the hand, fold your cards and site out of the rest of the hand or raise the bet.


After the first round of betting has been completed three further cards are then placed onto the table, these three cards in poker terms are called the flop.  The flop is placed face up on the table for all to players to use and the second round of betting is then undertaken.  After the flop a fourth card is placed face up on the table that is called the turn which is followed by more betting.  Then finally a fifth card is placed on the table which is known as the river and a final round of betting.

Each players hand is made up from 5 cards taken from a combination of at least one card from their original hand and the 5 cards face up on the table, the player with the highest poker hand rankings is determined as the winner of the poker hand and takes all of the poker chips wagered in that hand.


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